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Fast fresh data,
customized to your needs.


ExtraktData goes right to the source daily ensuring the freshest, most accurate information available.


We’re a data aggregation company founded in 2010 specializing in the retrieval and phone append of public records. We find creative ways of capturing disorganized data and send it to our customers wrapped up in a nice neat package. We provide fresh marketing leads using data analytics and innovative technologies.


Federal & State Tax Liens

ExtraktData collects tax lien records from over 1,000 state and county sources daily. Each lien is appended with a phone number and/or address from our innovative system. You get everything you need to connect with potential clients delivered in your inbox daily.

Business Phone Append

ExtraktData collects phone numbers on demand to provide the freshest information possible. Our innovative phone append system crawls the web and searches numerous databases to provide an unparalleled append rate of 80%.


Data delivered to you daily